About the IC

Inquiry Communities 
Initiating Change
In the 21st century, we communicate and share experiences on a level that is unprecedented in human history. As learners, it is important that we understand how to use the sophisticated collaboration tools that are available today to interact with and examine important issues that are affecting our society. With this goal in mind, we will be engaging in a grade-wide project this year that will ask us to work together to learn about and build awareness around an issue that we feel is affecting our community. Working in Inquiry Communities, you will select an issue to study and spend the year, reading about it, writing about it and interacting with "the real world," 

 finding experts in the area and inviting them to bring their expertise to the Dover Middle School Community. Our goal is for each Inquiry Community to study this selected issue for the next eight months and to become experts in this area and use 21st century tools, such as social media and other online resources, to bring this issue to the front of our community consciousness . These expert groups will develop a blog to share their findings and all relevant links to articles, books, photos, and videos related to the topic. Inquiry Communities will also create a documentary that explains what they learned and highlight a real event that the group will hold at school to raise awareness about the issue or help to make some change in our community. All of this work will be presented to the Dover community in May. The 8th grade team is excited about this project,  and we look forward to engaging in these issues with you